适用于研发效能的 Space 度量框架

出处:DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity: The developer-centric approach to measuring and improving productivity

- Feedback loops Cognitive load Flow state
Human attitudes and opinions
• Satisfaction with automated test speed and output
• Satisfaction with time it takes to validate a local change
• Satisfaction with time it takes to deploy a change to production
• Perceived complexity of codebase
• Ease of debugging production systems
• Ease of understanding documentation
• Perceived ability to focus and avoid interruptions
• Satisfaction with clarity of task or project goals
• Perceived disruptive- ness of being on-call
System and process behaviors
• Time it takes to generate CI results
• Code review turnaround time
• Deployment lead time (time it takes to get a change released to production)
• Time it takes to get answers to technical questions
• Manual steps required to deploy a change
• Frequency of documentation improvements
• Number of blocks of time without meet- ings or interruptions
• Frequency of unplanned tasks or requests
• Frequency of incidents requiring team attention
North star metrics
• Overall perceived ease of delivering software
• Employee engagement or satisfaction
• Perceived productivity


心流状态。高效、专注和高产出状态 反馈回路。持续性地收集反馈并不断优化 认知负载。完成任务所需的注意力和脑力负担

- 反馈回路 认知负荷 流畅状态
• 对自动化测试速度和输出的满意度
• 对验证本地更改所需时间的满意度
• 对部署更改至生产环境所需时间的满意度
• 对代码库复杂性的感知
• 调试生产系统的易用性
• 理解文档的易用性
• 对专注度和避免中断的感知
• 对任务或项目目标清晰度的满意度
• 值班对生产的中断感知
• 生成CI结果所需时间
• 代码审查周转时间
• 部署交付时间(将更改发布至生产所需时间)
• 获取技术问题答案所需时间
• 部署更改所需的手动步骤
• 文档改进的频率
• 无会议或中断的时间块数量
• 未计划任务或请求的频率
• 需要团队关注的事故频率
• 传递软件的整体感知轻松度
• 员工参与度或满意度
• 感知生产力
同左 同左